My kids love store-bought applesauce! This healthy homemade applesauce for kids is a great alternative. It can be eaten on its own or as a side dish for a delicious Christmas dinner. Hope you enjoy this recipe as much as…
10 Myths about Pregnancy Nutrition
As a Holistic Nutrition Consultant for pregnancy, I have learnt the power of being informed about your choices in pregnancy. Many women are advised to take great precaution in what to eat and not eat during pregnancy, so I want…
What to do if your baby has an allergic reaction
As a mother of children with allergies, I know how scary it can be to deal with a child who has an allergic reaction. Here, I will share exactly what to do if your baby has an allergic reaction. Keep…
Our first year of homeschooling in a nutshell
I wanted to share about our first year of homeschooling in a nutshell, as we are in the last couple of weeks of the school year. There have been some wonderful things, hard things and unexpected things about our homeschool…
How to holistically manage heartburn in pregnancy
Here I will explore how to holistically manage heartburn in pregnancy with natural remedies, why to avoid antacids, common trigger foods to avoid and reasons why heartburn in pregnancy occurs. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If…
How to recover naturally after a C-Section Birth
Here I’ll be sharing how to recover naturally after a c-section birth, what is expected after a c-section (caesarean section) birth and natural remedies to use that will help support recovery during postpartum. Before we dive into what is expected…