There are many foods that parents feed their baby in the first year that their baby should not be introduced to until after one or much later. Here I want to shed light on some of those foods. Here are…
Possible reasons for low milk supply
Breastfeeding is such a gift. At times it can be challenging for some mothers and not at all the natural, easy journey that many make it out to be. Here, I will share some possible reasons for low milk supply…
The Birth Story of My Third Baby
Here I share the birth story of my third baby, our first son. This was my first physiological birth after having two induced births. It was such an empowering birth and I can’t wait to relive it by typing these…
Gluten Free Lactation Cookies
These gluten free lactation cookies are mouth watering and delicious. I have adapted one of my favourite double chocolate cookie recipes into a lactation friendly version. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do. Eating well while…
Charlotte Mason for Beginners
As a homeschooling mother of four, I have recently began learning about Charlotte Mason’s education philosophy. I love her ideas, her approach toward children and parents and education in general. Here I will share as best as I can, Charlotte…
20 Foods to Support Your Baby’s Gut Health
The first year of a baby’s life and what they eat can shape their gut health in more ways than we think. As a Holistic Nutrition Consultant for Babies, let me share with you 20 foods to support your baby’s…