This nourishing labour aid drink for birth is packed with electrolytes, natural sugars, sodium and Vitamin C to keep you energised during labour.

If you are anything like me, you love birth. Is that weird to say?! While it is the most challenging, painful thing on earth, it is also exhilarating and empowering!
I love the whole process from experiencing Braxton Hicks from around 20 weeks right up to pushing my baby out of the birth canal.
Every birth is different of course. Some can be traumatising while others can be calm and ethereal. I have experienced both sides of the coin and can still say I love birth.
With my fourth birth only two months away, I am gearing myself up for another birth. So I thought it would be fitting to share my favourite nourishing labour aid recipe for birth.
I first read about labour aid when studying holistic nutrition for pregnancy. I fell in love with the recipe as soon as I tried it! It is both delicious and satisfying.
Now I know not everyone can eat during birth depending on the context and timeframe. However, this labour aid drink is for anyone giving birth, whether via vaginally or c-section.
You need hydration during birth for stamina, energy and nourishment. When you think of birth like a marathon, then hydration is crucial.
What will be covered in this post
- The stages of labour
- Hydration during labour
- Nourishing Labour Aid Recipe for Birth

The stages of labour
The first stage of labour is described as the onset of true labour until your cervix reaches 10cm dilated. The first stage is categorised into three separate stages, which I will share below.
1st stage: Early Labour Phase
The onset of labour until your cervix reaches 3cm dilated.
This is where you should have a birth partner or doula to encourage you to nourish yourself. This is most commonly the least intense part of labour, so you should have more of an appetite. Aim for light, well-balanced snacks like quinoa crackers with avocado, plain yoghurt or apple with nut butter.
2nd stage: Active Labour Phase
This is where the cervix measures between 3cm and 7cm dilated.
As labour progresses, you will probably choose not to eat or choose lighter snacks that are natural in sugar, like fruit or a spoonful of honey. This is also the stage where hydration should be further emphasised.
A note about what to avoid: you want to stay clear of acidic foods like oranges that may cause acidic build up and an upset stomach. You also want to avoid any food with protein and fat that slow the rate that muscles use energy supplied from the sugar.
It is amazing how your body knows what it craves depending on which stage of labour you are in. Because labour intensifies here, you most likely will not want any foods that are heavy in protein or fat anyway.
3rd stage: Transition Labour Phase
This is where the cervix reaches 7cm until fully dilated at 10cm.
The transition phase is the most distinct phase as most women want to give up here. I remember in my first labour saying I would like to die (dramatic, I know. But you’ll understand once you’ve given birth).
During early labour, you will probably be more interactive and active. While during the transition phase of labour, you probably will not want to talk and rather turn inward and focus on the labour.
In this phase of labour, you most certainly will not want food. This is where labour aid is a great source of nourishment and energy. You can either have it served as a cold drink or in the form of ice cubes.
Hydration during labour
Here I will recommend some forms of liquids you can drink during labour, aside from my labour aid recipe (shared below).
Taking little sips of nourishing liquid in between contractions can be a gamechanger in how you feel during labour. I would recommend having a supportive birth partner or doula whose responsibility it is to serve you liquids.
You can choose to have bone broth or a hydrating juice (without citrus) in the early stages of labour and the labour aid drink when labour gets more intense.
You might have strong smell aversions during labour, so sticking to drinks without a strong smell may be helpful.
Nourishing Labour Aid Drink for Birth
What you will need:
- Jug
- Measuring cup
- Citrus sqeezer (here is a good one).
- Knife
- Chopping board

- Coconut water
- Water
- Lemon
- Lime
- Honey
- Sea salt
- Pour two cups of coconut water into jug.
- Add one cup of water into jug and stir.

3. Squeeze lemon with citrus squeezer and pour into jug.

4. Do the same with the lime and stir.

5. Add the honey and sea salt and stir until well mixed in.

6. Either serve cold or freeze as ice cubes.

Notes about recipe
Depending on how much you like coconut water, you can adjust the coconut/water ratio as you please. If you are not a fan of coconut water, then I would suggest adding one cup of coconut water and two cups of water.
The same goes for the lemon and lime. I like adding one lemon and one lime, but you can adjust the amount according to your preference. As long as you are getting the benefits from both or either citrus fruit, then that is what matters most.
If you do not have honey on hand or prefer another natural sweetener, you can opt for maple syrup or agave syrup.
If you do not have sea salt, you can use himalayan salt. I would stay clear from table salt because of the artificial sodium.
Some women like to add trace mineral or electrolyte drops to the recipe for extra electrolytes. You can add these in if you choose, but the coconut water is a natural source of electrolytes.
If you like this recipe, will you try it for your birth? How will you have it served – as a cold drink to sip on or as ice cubes?
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Are you pregnant?
Check out my book Your Holistic Guide to Pregnancy Nutrition: empowering mamas-to-be with nourishment education for their growing bump and baby.
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Nourishing Labour Aid Drink for Birth
- 1 Chopping board
- 1 Knife
- 1 Citrus squeezer
- 1 Jug
- 2 cups Coconut water
- 1 cup Water
- 1 Lemon (juice of)
- 1 Lime (juice of)
- 1 tbsp Honey (unrefined, organic is best)
- 1/2 tsp Sea salt
- Add coconut water and water to jug and stir.
- Add in squeezed lemon and stir.
- Repeat step 2 with the lime.
- Add in honey and sea salt and stir until well combined.
- Serve cooled as a drink or as ice cubes to consume in the middle to last stages of labour.
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