As a Holistic Nutrition Consultant for pregnancy and mama to four, I want to give you some tools, both practically and mentally, on how to prepare for a birth that you really want. I hope you find this post encouraging.

As I prepare for my fourth birth (literally have been experiencing prodromal labour the past couple of days!), I thought it would be an ideal time to share how to prepare for a birth that you really want.
When I say this, I truly mean it. As a Christian woman, my goal has always been to surrender my births to God and trust that He has created my body to birth the way it is meant to.
I know that there are plenty of women who have had births that did not go the way that they had hoped. This was the case for my first two births for different reasons. However, regardless of what interventions or lack thereof are present at your birth, I believe it begins with your mindset.
If you are a first time birther, then I wholeheartedly believe that you can give birth the way you hope. Do I guarantee that it will happen that way? No. However, I do believe that when we as women set our minds to do something, we seem to make a way for it to happen.
I want to preface this by saying that there are so many variables to giving birth. Every woman, baby, circumstance and setting can be worlds apart. However, after giving birth three times already and preparing for my fourth birth, I am certain that you can have a birth you so desire.
Birth is such a beautiful, ethereal, God-given gift to us as women. I am glad I am a woman so that I can experience such a phenomenon that is birth. However, I know that birth can often be a traumatic experience for some. I hope that if you are reading this, and you have had a traumatic birth, that you know that your next birth can be redemptive. I am proof of that.
What I will cover in this post
- Ways you can prepare for a birth you want mentally
- Ways you can prepare for a birth you want physically
- Prayers and bible verses to say aloud in preparation of birth

Ways you can prepare for a birth you want mentally
Most women have a preconceived idea of how they want to birth. Epidural or medication-free, elective c-section or natural birth. However, it is not until you give birth that you realise how important your mental state is.
In fact, preparing your mind for birth is probably the best thing you can do for your birth. That is why birth affirmation cards have become so popular.
Now, I am no birthing expert at this and having done no calm or hypnobirthing courses myself, this is just something I have done for my previous births that I would encourage you to do in preparation for birth.
Well before your labour, I encourage you to write or ask yourself these questions:
What do I want around me as I birth? (It may be beautiful smelling candles, fairy lights, calming music etc.)
Who do I want around me as I birth? (your husband, another family member, a close friend)
Is there a phrase of encouragement or bible verse or affirmation that I want to keep reminding myself of or that my birth partner can repeat over me? (What helped me was when my husband would say ‘you’re one moment closer to meeting our baby’).
Are there any mindset roadblocks that you may encounter that you can replace with an encouraging thought? (I remember sometimes thinking dreadful thoughts like ‘I want to die’ or ‘I can’t do this anymore’, which is very common, so it’s important to try to replace these thoughts with encouraging thoughts).
When you plan out these mindset goals, it is more likely to implement them during birth.

Ways to prepare for the birth you want physically
Studies have shown the benefits of consuming dates, raspberry red leaf tea and nipple stimulation/hand expressing to naturally induce labour.
Why is this important?
If your desire is to go into natural labour, then there are benefits to cervical ripening, the onset of labour and duration of labour if you prepare physically for it.
For example, a study found that a pregnant woman stimulating her nipples for one hour each day for three days increased the likelihood of the onset of labour (study).
Consuming red raspberry leaf tea (from 34 weeks pregnant) has been shown to:
- shorten labour with no identified side effects for mother and baby.
- decrease the likelihood of preterm or post term gestation.
- reduce the risk of artificial rupture of membranes.
- decrease the likelihood of medical interventions like forceps (study).
Consuming dates in the last month of pregnancy (about 6 smaller dates or 3 larger medjool dates daily), has been shown to:
- led to an increase of cervical dilation upon admission to the hospital.
- shortened duration of first stage of labour and significantly shortened duration of second stage of labour.
- significantly reduced gestation duration (study).
These low-risk natural inductions of labour have shown great benefits to the onset and duration of labour, leading to a more beautiful experience.
While there are other things you can do to prepare for labour physically, I’ve listed the above as I have used them all and saw the benefits of preparing my body for labour for my third birth.
You can also use other natural inductions such as acupressure, acupuncture, walking, squatting and climbing.
The importance of pelvic floor exercises regularly to reduce tearing and exercising regularly, can be beneficial for a positive birth experience.
These are just some examples of what you can do to prepare for a birth you want physically, but they are ideal as a starting point.
Prayers and bible verses to say aloud in preparation for birth
If you love the Lord, like I do, then I encourage you to pray frequently for your birth. I truly believe that you can enjoy your birth and look back on it with fond memories.
Pray for God’s presence to be close to you as you birth.
Pray for sustained energy throughout your birth.
Pray for peaceful surroundings and space to concentrate on your breathwork.
Pray for all anxiety or fear to flee from your mind.
Pray for safety over you and your baby.
Pray for your midwives and birth partner.
Pray that your birth glorifies God from start to finish.
Here are some bible verses to speak over your body and baby in the lead up to birth:
Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you.
Psalm 121:1-3 – I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber.
Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
1 Samuel 1:27 – For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him.
All the best with your birth, mama!
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